Blog: May 2014

Reengage inactive subscribers now

Your message has gotten into your customers' Inbox. Congratulations! You've tackled one of the great difficulties of electronic marketing. There's just one hurdle. How do you stay in that Inbox, and increase your chances of getting read?



The importance of good email list hygiene

Spreading your message to an old or purchased email list not only wastes your effort and time, but also potentially harms your brand's good name. More than ever, businesses are finding it vital to keep their lists up to date and free from redundant addresses. Here are 3 reasons.


以過時或購買的電郵名單發放電郵,只會浪費你的努力和時間,更甚者,會影響你品牌的名聲。不少商家亦發現合時及優質的電郵名單對電郵推廣有很大作用,以下是 3 個原因。

5 個 eDM 編碼貼士

5 個 eDM 編碼貼士

5 Golden rules of coding eDM

Here are 5 coding tips you must not ignore when creating eDM.

4 design tips you must know for using images in eDM

Every email marketers wish to create an eye-catching eDM which catches readers’ attention once they open the eDM. Yet, too complex design or design without cautions can destroy your effort. Here are 4 tips regarding images you must know before creating an eDM.

4 個你必須知道的設計電郵圖片貼士

每一個電郵推廣員都希望創作一個吸引的電郵,在讀者打開電郵的一剎那,奪得讀者的注意力。但是,複雜的設計、或是忽略了一些設計細節,都會破壞你花在設計電郵設計上的努力。以下是 4 個關於電郵圖片的貼士,在設計電郵前先認識它們吧!