Category: Tips

Reengage inactive subscribers now

Your message has gotten into your customers' Inbox. Congratulations! You've tackled one of the great difficulties of electronic marketing. There's just one hurdle. How do you stay in that Inbox, and increase your chances of getting read?

6 Tips of writing a catchy subject line - Deliver messages with eye-catching subject line now

How to write effective subject lines for email marketing? A compelling headline is as important as a sender name. They are the first and second field which the recipients experience before opening the message. 64% of email users open an email based on the subject line. An impressive subject title can enhance open rate and click rate by explaining why the recipients should read your email.


Summer Time! 68% 企業在夏季亦遇到銷售額下降的問題,你是不是其中之一呢? 不論你的業務是否與夏季有關,夏天是提升客戶忠誠度及銷售額的好時機。

Gmail 新增港式中文!

2 日前,Gmail 新設 13 種語言,包括:南非荷蘭語、亞美尼亞語、阿塞拜疆語、中文(香港)、法語(加拿大)、加利西亞語、格魯吉亞語、高棉語、老撾語、蒙古語、尼泊爾語、僧伽羅語及祖魯語。現在,Gmail 能支援多達 71 種語言,94% 的互聯網使用者都能利用自己的母語使用 Gmail。

Grab potential leads from the release of Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5 is released today in Hong Kong. The most noticeable new feature must be the partnership with PayPal. With S5’s Finger Scanner, users can make more secure payments via PayPal without entering password. It’s much more convenient and secure for users to shop online as passwords are no longer required in mobile. It reduces the loss incurred by losing mobile as no one can steal your password.

你個人化了你的訊息嗎 ?
