Blog: Mar 2014

Grow customer loyalty and lasting relationship via Email Marketing now

What do you expect from email marketing? Highest ROI ($40 revenue for only $1 investment) among different social media via more and larger orders? The most valuable return from email marketing is actually customer loyalty, which leads you to word-of-mouth marketing. Many email marketers overlook the customer loyalty that email marketing grows. However, the fact is that once you grow customer loyalty and achieve word-of-mouth-marketing, your marketing becomes automatic as your loyal customers will promote your brand for you. In this process, email marketing can work to grow customers loyalty as well as retain customers.


你預計能從電郵推廣獲得什麼呢﹖能以更多金額更大的訂單,得到在不同社交媒體中最高的投資回報率 [ROI] (以 $1 投資賺取 $40 收入)﹖電郵推廣所帶來最珍貴的回報其實是顧客忠誠度,並協助你達到口碑營銷。可是,很多電郵推廣員都忽略了電郵推廣所建立的顧客忠誠度。事實是只要你增長顧客忠誠度,達到口碑營銷,你的市場推廣就會自動化,因為你忠誠的客戶會為你宣傳品牌。在這過程中,電郵推廣能為你擔當增長顧客忠誠度及挽留客戶的角色。

8 Steps to Successful Email Marketing

Many marketers do not know how powerful email marketing is. Some email marketers give up email marketing as they do not find the effectiveness from it. Yet, proper strategies are necessary to achieve effective email marketing, and these strategies are always neglected by email marketers.

8 個達到成功電郵推廣的關鍵


Measure your success of email marketing!

More than 30% email marketers overlook the importance of measurement. They send out the email and do not analyze the recipients’ actions. Yet, measurement is a must to maximize the revenue reaped from email marketing. It’s the prerequisite of segmentation, improvement as well as evaluation of eDM campaign.


超過 30% 電郵推廣員都忽略追蹤報告的重要性,他們只寄出電郵而不分析收件人的活動。但是,追蹤報告是極大化電郵推廣的利潤的不二法門,它是進行電郵用戶分類,改善及評價電郵活動的先行提件。

Powerful email marketing strategies - Segmentation

To create relevant and engaging email, segmentation is a must in email marketing. Send right content to right person at right time as every customer is unique. Segmentation is necessary to reach customers’ need. Segmenting your send list into groups with similar particulars enables you to tailor make relevant and valuable email content to wow your audience.

有效的電郵推廣策略 – 電郵用戶分類

電郵用戶分類 (Segmentation) 是創造相關及參與度高的電郵內容所必須的,因為每個客戶都是獨一無二的,所以把相關的電郵在適當時間寄給有興趣的讀者才能轉換讀者為商機。電郵用戶分類是滿足客戶需要的必要步驟,把你的聯絡名單根據相似的特點分類,才能協助你特別製作相關及有價值的電郵內容給讀者,獲得稱讚。

Here are 5 determinants of sender reputation which you don’t know

83% of deliverability issues are caused by sender reputation. Not only recipients, ISPs will also determine whether to accept your message based on your reputation. Your email will be delivered to SPAM folder if ISPs rate you as untrustworthy sender. Let’s see 5 factors determining your IP reputation.

你不知道的 5 個影響寄件人名聲的因素

83% 的電郵傳送問題均是由寄件人名聲導致,不止收件人,ISPs (Internet Service Provider 互聯網服務提供商) 亦會根據你的名聲決定是否接收你的訊息。若你被 ISPs 評定為不可信的寄件者,你的電郵將會被傳送至垃圾郵件 (SPAM) 文件夾。看看 5 個決定寄件者名聲的因素。