4 Steps to enrich your email

As an email marketer, you may have lots of compelling stuff which you would like to share with your audience. Yet, you also know that you can’t put all of them in your email. As UFOSend users, you can enrich your email by sharing more pictures and files with your subscribers in 4 steps. By using merge tag, your readers can get unique images and videos by only one click.

4 步即可在電郵活動中分享更多圖片及影片

作為電郵推廣員,你或有很多吸引的內容,希望與你的讀者分享。但是,你亦明白你不能把它們都放到電郵中。作為 UFOSend 的用家,只要 4 步,你就可以更多有趣的內容豐富你的電郵,只需使用 merge tag,你的讀者就能以一下點撃獲得更多獨一無二的圖片與片段。

7 golden tips of creating stellar email content

Content of your eDM is quite decisive to the success of email marketing. Some marketers complain that what they get from email marketing is: unsubscription. Then, they rate email marketing as ineffective and even useless marketing tool. This is definitely a huge misunderstanding. What cause unsubscription are email content, reputation and even frequency of eDM campaign. Can readers recognize you via sender name? Are you sending relevant email to right audience? Have you realized what you promised to give readers when they subscribe your newsletter? Most importantly, are you spamming users? Try to think of these questions and you will understand what the causes of unsubscription are.

7 個創作出色電郵內容的貼士


Using personal email as sender drops email deliverability

Never use personal email, say @yahoo.com, @google.com, or @hotmail.com, as your sender in eDM campaign. Using personal email as sender can drop email deliverability and direct your emails to SPAM folder.


永遠不要以私人電郵地址為電郵活動的寄件者,例如 @yahoo.com,@google.com,或 @hotmail.com。使用私人電郵地址會降低電郵傳送率,或使你的電郵被傳送至垃圾郵件 (SPAM) 文件夾。

Grab potential leads from the release of Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5 is released today in Hong Kong. The most noticeable new feature must be the partnership with PayPal. With S5’s Finger Scanner, users can make more secure payments via PayPal without entering password. It’s much more convenient and secure for users to shop online as passwords are no longer required in mobile. It reduces the loss incurred by losing mobile as no one can steal your password.

從 Samsung Galaxy S5 的推出中抓緊潛在商機

Samsung Galaxy S5 今日在香港正式發售,最注目的新特點一定是與 PayPal 的合作。配合 S5 的指紋掃描器,用戶不需輸入密碼,就能透過 PayPal 進行更安全的付款。用戶利用他們的指紋,就能更方便及安全地進行線上購物,因為他們不再需要在手機上儲存密碼 (這能減低遺失手機的損失,小偷不能盜取你的資料)。

Definitive guide of creating SPAM-free email [Part 2]

The previous blog explains how you should handle images in email. This blog will then continue share 3 more tips to get rid of SPAM when you are making email. Let’s continue to create SPAM-free email.

UFOSend 製作 SPAM-free 電郵指引 [Part 2]

上一篇文章解釋了你應該如何處理電郵中的圖片,而這篇文章將承接上篇文章,繼續介紹多 3 個擺脫 SPAM 過濾器的技巧,讓你在製作電郵時使用。繼續創作 SPAM-free 電郵吧!